Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The operation

One week ago today Simon had dental surgery.  All in all the day went really well.  It confirmed in me how much we love our son's dentist and how much God surprises us in little ways.  It also confirmed that 8 years without any dental care can leave a whole lot of decay in one child's mouth.

we checked in bright and early for all of us.

We asked for it and they gave us a little medicine to help Simon relax.

We discovered our friend Brittany was our nurses aide...this helped me relax, she also treated me to a iced toddy, delivered to our room.  She also delivered us an extra recliner while we waited the 3.5 hours we waited. :)

Just waiting to send him back.

Can I really send my baby back?  :(

This nice lady came and took Simon back.  I told them several times that I wanted to know right when he started waking up and that I wanted to be brought into the recovery room right away.  The eye doctor saw Simon first, he broke the news to us that Simon's right eye is dying.....which was rough to hear, but we were prepared for that since the Doc had already said he wasn't seeing anything out of that eye.

Next the dentist came in to tell us how her part went.  She did 14 restorations, 1 extractions, and 8 crowns.  WOW that was a lot of work....yet somehow I wasn't prepared for how sad, swollen and miserable my son would look coming out of surgery....

for about 30 min he was just in and out of sedation.  It was hard to watch...especially when the Advil took a while to get to us :(

Once the Advil kicked in we decided we better try to feed him.  He hadn't eaten since 10pm the night before and it was going on 4pm.  The thing you never want to do is let your child who was starved for 8 years go hungry!
Not knowing how he would handle "chewing" we went ahead and syringed his favorite formula in...because he should have his favorite on a day like today.
The nurse gave us a flow chart...I don' t know about you but I am ALWAYS confused about all the names for the pain brands, generics, synonyms....Since Simon wasn't going to be able to tell me if he was in pain....the plan for me was to just keep dosing him for the first 24 hours.  So I did the whole switch back and forth with acetaminophen and ibuprofen.

At one point Jon discovered he could give Simon "ace ventura" hair...this picture does not do it justice.
They also did a MRI.  The results showed that Simon has a small and atrophied brain.....big shocker there.  BUT there are no evidence of anything crazy going on in there.  So we will keep giving him good brain food and we will continue teaching him how to do the things he was NEVER taught.  We will teach this child how to play and how to be loved.


  1. Prayers for Simon!!! Our God is Healer!

  2. Ohh, he looks so sad out of surgery. Prayers for your mama heart!

  3. Thanks for taking the time to post! I've just read through from the birthday party down to this one.

    It is SO GOOD seeing him as part of a family after spending part of a week in and out with him back in BG.

    I am well armed with syringes. ;) Great photos. Scattered thoughts. I'm kind of packing and kind of just waiting until 9:45 when I can go to my MIL's to help her with her bedtime meds. Matt's turn to go to bed early. Reuben's been giving us a run for our money at night lately. ;)

    Keep posting as you can! Simon and Adam will always have a special place in my heart of all the Pleven kids, and it's great to see/hear how they're doing.
