Wednesday, October 9, 2013

be-lated birthday

On September 25th Simon turned 9 years old.  Originally I had planned to have a BIG, HUGE, party, it could be Simon's coming out...everyone who supported us, all those who love us would be there...because that is what we should do, this would be Simon's first birthday at home.  But this would also be his first birthday that anyone ever celebrated...most likely.  The more I thought about it, the more upset I became.  You see, I am not the mom who plans a birthday for her 1 year old.  More power to you all that do, but in my mind I have always thought....well, they aren't going to remember it anyway.  (which is probably a bad attitude to have).  I began to think about how Simon was going to have NO IDEA what was going on.  He can't open gifts, he can't really eat cake, he doesn't know what a birthday is....let alone, that it is his birthday.  This reality made me really mad and really sad.  NEGLECT is such a HORRIBLE enemy....we fight his effects everyday.  Often I forget how frail my son looks, until someone observing his diaper change is drawn to tears.  Simon was so hurt, is so hurt, by what was done to him....his birthday was a glaring reminder that for 9 years while other children were learning to play and being lavished with kisses and gifts, he laid in a crib, in a room all alone, waiting for someone, anyone to touch him.  We were lucky to have even pulled off the family birthday party in the park, good thing his wasn't the only birthday that needed to be celebrated and I wasn't the only person in charge!  So here is my terribly depressing intro into Simon's first birthday party photos....sorry....the truth hurts alot sometimes.

the birthday boys, my hubby and Simon and the birthday girl, cousin Elia...and Ishmael...who couldn't stay away from the cupcakes!!!


  1. Happy Birthday Simon!!!! Love and prayers for you and your family (the best present ever).

  2. Happy Birthday to Simon! We have the Farm version of that book, my kiddos love it. When you think about all the little things our kids have missed out of life, it really is sad and depressing. Praise God for redemption, but praying also for an end to this cycle in their country!

  3. My brother's birthday is Sept 25, too! Happy Birthday Simon!

  4. Did he heat the heart shaped cookies? (guessing they're from Bulgaria?) they look tasty.

  5. I cried my way through catching up on the last several posts. I very much understand the mixed-up emotions. Thank you for keeping on blogging, Anna. I love your totally-sweet boy.

  6. It struck me while looking at the photos that this was EXACTLY the "first" birthday any long neglected little boy would have wanted. In fact, it was the first image of him leaning against a man--his grandpa?--that really hit me. In all these photos I see a boy who longed to be lovingly and safely held--to have a strong and secure place from which to start to explore the world. Don't you think that would have been all he really longed for all those years in captivity, if he knew such a thing was possible? I'm not trying to put thoughts in Simon's head, just trying to counter any thoughts in your head about how his first b-day party was less than ideal. : ) YOU are the best birthday party ever!
