Monday, April 22, 2013

Radio Silence

Hello friends. I have been feeling a little weird about my blog silence. So I am breaking it. I want you all to know that your words of encouragement have been so helpful during this time. Also, I haven't written you a thank you yet, but I got a WONDERFUL note in the mail. And to my new friend a few states to the east, please know you encouraged me, answered my prayers and filled me with more joy than you know. God has made this journey filled to the brim with people who have show so much LOVE and SUPPORT! I couldn't be doing this without it or you! It has been amazing.

I wanted to just share a photo. It occurs to me that I have used my blog mostly to talk about our journey and I haven't really been sharing a lot of orphans with you, partially because I struggle emotionally to see their little faces myself, but I have been convicted that if there really are loving people reading this and praying for our journey, than I need to share children that need your prayers and love. When we were looking for a child to adopt, I would check on this boy everyday on reece's rainbow. Then one day he disappeared, I mistakenly thought this was because he had a family, now I see that his file had just been removed. I guess he only has a few more weeks on Reece's Rainbow and then his face will disappear again. HOWEVER, he should still be adoptable. Please take a look at his picture and info listed below. Are you his family? Do you know them? Please pray they will find him, this boy is SO cute and he would do SO well in a loving home!!! He lives in Simon's country but is NOT in Simon's orphanage. :)

DOB: 2008
Diagnosis: developmental delays
Kody was born premature at 27 weeks gestation. His birth mother smoked during the pregnancy and her amniotic sac ruptured 3 days before delivery. He was breech and delivered via C-section in poor condition and weighing just 2 pounds. Many of his delays are consistent with a child born at this early gestational age.
Today, Kody is healthy, though he has occasional respiratory infections. He’s had eye surgery for strabismus. His motor skills have been delayed as a result of being premature, but he is now walking well independently. He reaches for objects, tracks them with his eyes and has good visual motor skills. He picks up objects and studies them intently. If he is unfamiliar with an item/toy, he will shake it, turn it and check it out in detail to attempt to figure out what it does. He is using combinations of sounds and putting syllables together to make simple words. He does not have any true purposeful speech yet , which is a source of frustration for him when he’s trying to communicate his wants/needs. Sometimes he gets upset and other times, he just shuts down and won’t communicate at all. He enjoys interacting with adults and laughs loudly when being played with. He has a good attention span and will focus on the adult interacting with him or what he’s playing with. He initiates games with adults. He drinks from a cup unassisted and eats with a spoon. He has difficulty with chewing. He has a 1:1 caregiver that spends time with him daily.
The agency is able to request additional information for a serious inquiry. There are also videos available with a full file request.
Because the agency only has this child’s file for a short time (mid-May), he will not be able to receive donations until a family is found for him.    
****This information found at

In the meantime, if you live locally and have a heart for asking people to pray for the orphans on RR, please contact me as I need volunteers to stand at the orphan table at the benefit show!!! :) We will be giving out photos and information about children for people to take with them. My hope and prayer is that many children will be chosen and prayed for by our family and friends in Lincoln. When we were leaving Simon's country my husband and I were struggling to leave Simon behind. Jonathan said that he just didn't understand why there were still children to be adopted in SImon's orphanage. He said that IF the word got out about an orphanage like that in our city (if the media exposed neglect so devastating that it was called a holocaust) that families in Lincoln would walk into that place and take every child, so that the orphanage would be shut down FOREVER. And I believe that to be true. So I am hoping that we would show our hearts and pray for these orphans everyday until the lord brings them families.....or perhaps...brings us to them??? :)

Thanks friends. I feel your prayers, everyday that I am not an emotional wreck, I know that I am feeling your prayers!!!


  1. If you need someone at the RR table, I can do it :)

    1. awesome!! thank you! I will be texting you soon!

  2. Me and Sam can help with the table, too! A RR baby at that table certainly can't hurt anything!
